Our Team

Thomas Smahel
M.Arch., B.A.Sc., CCPE
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Kathy Kawaja
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Dr. Alison Smiley
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Dr. Alison Smiley (CCPE) is Past President and a former Principal Consultant of HFN Inc. (1984-2021). She holds a PhD (1978) in Systems Design Engineering, specializing in Human Factors and was the founding Chair of the Canadian College for the Certification of Professional Ergonomists (CCCPE, 2001). She has 40 years’ experience in the measurement of driver performance as affected by sign design, distraction, fatigue, drugs, and headlight design. She has taught courses on human factors to traffic engineers, highway designers, university students and accident re-constructionists across Canada and the U.S. She has written on human factors and road safety issues for various manuals and books, including the Ontario Traffic Manual, and the Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads. She has acted as an expert witness in over 500 legal cases involving motor vehicle crashes.

Dr. Don C. Donderi
Dr. Don C. Donderi is a co-founder and Principal Consultant of Human Factors North, Inc. He retired from the Department of Psychology at McGill University, Montréal, after a research and teaching career of 47 years’ experience. His work includes applied research and development on flight simulation, marine navigation, rail transport, road transport, air traffic control, nuclear power, and marine search and rescue. He offers legal expert advice on the perceptual and cognitive causes of accidents.

Dr. Christina (Missy) Rudin-Brown
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Dr. Rudin-Brown (CCPE) has extensive experience in human factors and transportation safety research and evaluation and was a board member of the Canadian College for the Certification of Professional Ergonomists (CCCPE) from 2014 to 2018. Since 2012, she has been a senior investigator with the Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB). From 2009 to 2012, she was a Senior Research Fellow with the Human Factors team at the Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC) in Melbourne (Australia) and spent over 10 years prior to that as a Human Factors Specialist in Transport Canada’s Road Safety Directorate. Dr. Rudin-Brown has acted as a human factors expert witness in a number of motor vehicle accident cases since joining HFN in 2012. Recently, Dr. Rudin-Brown extended her human factors expertise to the aerospace industry, supporting efforts to design the human-machine interfaces of the Canadarm3 - the Canadian-made robotics system destined for the Lunar Gateway - a NASA-led international space station in lunar orbit that will send humans deeper into space than ever before.

Steven Smith
B.Sc., R.Kin., CCPE
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Andrea Cassano-Piché
M.A.Sc., P.Eng.
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Andrea Cassano-Piché, Human Factors Engineering Consultant, is a licensed Professional Engineer and holds a M.A.Sc (2006) in Industrial Engineering, specializing in Human Factors Engineering. Since 2003, Ms. Cassano-Piché has applied her human factors training to the health care context. Her work has focused on procurement and implementation of health technology, health technology design and evaluation, proactive risk management (e.g., failure mode and effects analysis), the development of patient safety systems and culture, and teaching human factors methods.
Ms. Cassano-Piché has led national projects on complex topics such as ambulatory intravenous chemotherapy safety and multiple intravenous infusion safety, which culminated in nationally and internationally recognized recommendations on clinical practice, technology design, and education. She is the lead author of the book Human Factors for Health Technology Safety (2015) available at www.ifmbe.org.
Her strong desire for continuous learning and her ability to quickly build a rapport with clients, allowed Ms. Cassano-Piché to extend her consulting expertise to the aerospace industry where she is currently supporting the design of human-machine interfaces for the ground control operations of the CanadArm 3 on NASA’s Deep Space Gateway – a lunar orbiting space station with a goal of extending human presence at a larger distance from Earth.